Welcome to St Lawrence
Welcome to St Lawrence Parish Church, York.
Upcoming Special Services and Events
There are currently no services at St Lawrence for the duration of the York CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival, now in its second year of being hosted at the church.
Services will resume on Michaelmas, Sunday 29th September, the start of the academic year.
Holy Hour will resume on Wednesday 25th September. The first session, the 25th, will be a ‘welcome back meal and social’ in the church hall. This will be at 7.00pm. If you want to come please get in touch with us at – this is for catering purposes. We ask for a donation towards the cost of the meal.
There will be a series of discussions and talks in the subsequent weeks on a Wednesday evening over a meal concluding with an act of worship no later than 9.00pm.
Sunday services
Sung Parish Mass
Choral Evensong (BCP)
For information about how to make a donation to sustain the work and ministry of St Lawrence Parish Church, please see here.
We’re delighted to have done the Church of England’s weekly online service, a Candlemas procession, which can be seen here: