
Sunday Services times

Mattins – A traditional 1662 Book of Common Prayer Mattins service, said with no music. (*CURRENTLY ON HOLD UNTIL THE END OF SEPTEMBER*)

Holy Eucharist (celebrated at the St Nicholas Chapel). This is a said service, with no music and with a short homily lasting about 30 – 35 minutes. The liturgy is 1662 Book of Common Prayer. (*CURRENTLY ON HOLD UNTIL THE END OF SEPTEMBER*)

Sung Eucharist – A sung service, with hymns. The liturgy of the Eucharist (which is 1928 Prayer Book) is supported by a robed choir, and a team of servers. There is incense and altar bells. The service is followed by refreshments at the back of the north aisle.

Choral or Sung Evensong according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Post Evensong is usually followed by a trip to the local pub!

3 out of our 4 Sunday Services are according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.