New Vicar Announcement

We are pleased to announce that Fr Adam Romanis has accepted the post of priest-in-charge at St Lawrence. Fr Adam originates from Newcastle upon Tyne, and served in that Diocese as a Parish Priest in Ashington (“biggest pit village in the world”) and then the Newcastle Quayside area. He was then Vicar of Cowley St John, East Oxford, for 15 years, before moving to St Matthew’s, Perry Beeches, Birmingham. He is married to Juliet, a Social Worker, and they have two grown-up daughters and a son. The Vicarage household also includes Adam’s father Bill (aged 92) and George the sheepdog. Adam says, “We are very much looking forward to moving to the beautiful City of York. The particular charisms of St Lawrence and of Heslington Church are very inspiring. The different traditions have so much to offer as we meet the challenge of the present times. It is humbling, and a privilege, to have been called to share in the next stage of your journey.”
As far as the licensing service is concerned this is still to be agreed with the Bishop of Selby, the Archdeacon of York, the Area Dean, the Patrons and the churchwardens. Fr Adam and his family will live in our Vicarage – 11 Newland Park Close (where Father John Richardson and Father Peter Thornton before him, lived).